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Friday, July 25, 2008

Reasons to go to Wisconsin

Please understand that between Kyle and I, we took over 500 pictures. I went through and deleted some of the fuzzy ones, and we still have over 450. So, it was hard to chose some of the really good photos. I "kinda" went crazy with the floral shots, so notice that with great effort all of these photos are not pictures of flowers.

Reasons to go to Wisconsin:

Reason #1 To see the Bahers! They are simply fabulous and worth the flights with crying children (yes we did have a toddler on all three flights back that wasn't to keen on flying). They took us to an Epicnic that was wonderful with AMAZING food. Notice that the sky is blue all the way down to the horizon, unlike the sky in California with the fires and smog.

Reason #2: The Bahers spoiled us with mouth watering food. We had frozen custard at Michael's, lobster tail and cookies the size of dessert plates at the Epicnic, bratwurst from Bavaria, tea at an artistically interesting coffee shop called Indigo (which I HIGHLY recommend the peach tea to all in the Verona area), yummy scones at Gallup, along with all the great food the Bahers made for us like pancakes, burritos, strawberry short cake... oh the list could go on and on.

Reason #3: In Wisconsin someone got the great idea of making dog parks. They are gated areas where dogs and their families can go and the dogs don't have to be on a leash. The parks have beautiful prairie flowers and are great for a nice walk. It is so peaceful, and the people that bring their dogs are nice!

Reason #4: We got to see tons of stuff with the Bahers as tour guides including the FREE zoo in Madison, the Rogers at the zoo in Milwakee (they have cheetahs and a leopard there!!!), a Mallards game, the free botanical garden, the giant Farmers Market around the capital, a tour of Epic, and SOOOO much more.

Reason #5: It's simply gorgous there.


Unknown said...

Great shots & great recap of the trip! Thanks so much for sharing with the masses.:) Thanks again for coming to visit. It was truly wonderful! Kari

Kyle said...

Reason 1: Oh no, we had AT LEAST one baby or toddler on each flight (three planes to get there and 3 planes to get back).

Reason 2: the bratwurst was from Bavaria. Ethan makes great pancakes! They are nice and fluffy.

Reason 4: doesn’t the penguin look like its flying under water? The Milwaukee zoo had exhibits with multiple animals roaming together which made them unique. One exhibit had alpaca, peacocks, a vulture, turtles, and the occasional 13 strip squirrel.

Bavaria Sausage http://bavariasausage.com/

Indigo http://www.indigocoffeeandtea.com/

Gallup http://www.pasquals.net/

Madison’s zoo http://www.vilaszoo.org/index.php

Milwaukee’s zoo http://www.milwaukeezoo.org/

Tasha said...

Wow, I'm impressed that you remembered the name of the bratwurst place. I can picture it in my mind, but I had no idea of what the name was.

Tasha said...

Of all the photos I could have picked, I specifically pick the penguin for Ethan. I hope he likes it:)