- Agnostic: belief that god(s) is/are unknowable
- Atheist: belief that god(s) is/are nonexistent
- Theist: belief in one or more god(s)
- Deism: belief that there is a god but that god does not interfere with creation
- Monotheism: belief in one god or the oneness of that god
- Pantheism: belief that everything is a manifestation of god(s); or a multiplicity of gods
- Henotheism: Max Müller stated that henotheism means "monotheism in principle and polytheism in fact”
- Panentheism: belief that god exists and penetrates every part of nature, and is outside of time
I am currently looking into world views (refers to the frame work of ideas and beliefs through which an individual interprets the world and interacts in it). I will provide a small glimse into a world view that has stemmed out of Atheism which is called Secular Humanism. That glimse to follow within the next week...
Wow, time is really something that is hard to get a hold on. It is coming. At least I hope so...
Kyle, Why the interest in worldviews? I took a class in seminary called "Christian Worldview" - yet it explored/explained many other worldviews... one of which was Secular Humanism. There is a guy named Bertrand Russell who was a secular humanist... fascinating yet tragic character. If you're ever interested, I have all the lectures on CD to that class. Or you could just borrow the ones on secular humanism.
A guy here at work is a secular humanist. I want to know more so that I can know better how to converse with him and raise questions that will lead him to contemplate God.
Plus the movie Expelled just came out and I think that there are a lot of ideas and beliefs out there that people who don't study this stuff, like you and I, may not know exist. If we are to be change agents to direct people to God then we must know what they believe.
Are those lectures from Fuller? How many hours are they? I might just take you up on that offer.
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