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Saturday, February 16, 2008

Four bad days

See previous post.

My truck's battery died on the way to school from work at 230. I was able to get a jump start at the gas station from a man in a three piece business suit. I made it to school, late for a meeting with Holly to prep for our presentation about African American Christianity. After class I went to the parking lot to find my truck's battery dead once more at 530. I was able to get another jump. I drove straight to PepBoys in Clovis, by my house. I went in to buy a new battery and they only had one that would fit my truck. So I used their tools and replaced the battery at 615ish. My battery light was still on so they talked to me about the problem and we decided that my alternator needed to be checked. Either I could wait for their shop (approx 1 hr to get to me) or pull it out myself. I tried using their tools but this was too involved. I called Tasha and she brought me food and my own tools. I was under my truck until 9pm when I was able to get the new alternator in. I started it up and the battery light had gone off. I did a little dance in the parking lot. I drove home and when I was pulling into the parking lot noticed other check engine lights come on. Ah! However, I went inside, got cleaned up, drank some hot tea, and went to bed.

My work computer is full of viruses that they believe came from my jumpdrive. I was instructed to unplug the machine from the system and the wall because it held a high potential of infecting the rest of the company. I spent about 10 minutes getting another pc hooked up at my desk. Then I found out that it did not have autocad on it. I switched to a pc that does have autocad. Tomorrow they come to take my machine down to Bakersfield to reimage it.

I go to work to find that a tech from Bakersfield had brought me a new pc. Our techs are incredibly busy. I spent two hours trying to get our network to communicate correctly with the new pc's autocad program and getting it ready to use with our company customizations. Then I worked for 2 hours before another issue appeared. A tech was able to get this issue fixed after about an hour. Then I worked for 1 more hour. I went to print a drawing to find that our copier decided to act as though it was jammed when it actually wasn't. We tried multiple trouble shooting things and even did a hard reboot but to no fixed outcome. I decided to leave the office early because if one more thing broke I was going to flip.

I've heard that a folk myth is that bad things happen in threes. Therefore, since four bad things have happened I think that two more are on their way. We'll have to wait and see.


Kyle said...

Number five has arrived. Home pc has viruses and our printer color cartridge shorted out.

Tasha said...

Hey,you forgot to tell them about the awesome rollerblades we got this weekend. The WHOLE weekend wasn't shot.

Unknown said...

Ah, it's all perspective, my friend. Do we allow the Enemy to steal our joy or do we try to find the praises & blessings in what has been dealt to us? I'm not saying that you can't recognize that you've had some pretty bad circumstances come your way. But, now how about turning it 180 & finding a "praise God" moment? For me, in this bitter cold, I often times have to remember that I at least have a home & roof over my head. (Granted, there might be problems going on under the roof, but I do have one.) Also, when things like viruses corrupt our world- what do they teach us? There's always something we can take away from the negative experiences. SO.....now that you've had time to experience the negatives, & vent on them, what positives can you take away? Also, I sincerely admire the fact that you would even take on attempting to repair the car on your own. THAT is a gift God has given you!