Kyle remembers his parents setting up their house a haunted house. He had an elderly aunt who was legally blind (possibly a cataract???) dress up as a witch with a metal caldren filled dry ice. She was the greeter at the door. Kyle's mom had put packing peanuts all over the ground and told kids that they were ghost terds!
As a kid, I remember going to many Harvest Festivals at my old school. As a teen, my family went to Boomers often and played miniature golf on Halloween. In college, Kyle and I went to our college group's parties. I remember someone coming as Bart Simpson with yellow paint all over his face. A couple dressed up as characters from the Drew Carry Show. The guy dressed as Mimi with lots of blue eye shadow. The girl dressed as Drew Carry. When Vons was picketing, someone dressed regularly and made a picket sign! As a newly wed, I remember joining some good friends of ours as they passed out candy. We enjoyed a great meal together and a kids Halloween movie. One year, I think it was The Great Pumpkin staring the Peanuts gang.
Today Kyle and I had goodie bags and an extra supply of candies if we ran out. You won't believe how many kids came to our door. You can't even count them on one hand. That is right! A big, fat ZERO! Kyle did have fun dressing up with stuff he already had at home though. I opted to work on lesson plans rather than dress up.
I told Kyle that he was scary with the paint ball mask. To which he replied, "But, I'm smiling!" So... he got creative.
Here is Kyle using REGULAR paint on his face. Let's just say I wasn't thrilled with this idea.
I then decided to make it a photo shoot and took a dozen shots of him painting his face. This is my favorite one!
ok So the hunted house that Kyle's mom put on was the scariest thing in my childhood!! My father hid in the back bedroom and would jump out and scare kids, in Kyle's room was a guy that sat up when you opened the door, and then they made us put our hands into bowls of food that represented different body parts, for example, peeled grapes were eyes. Thats the one I remember the most. Then the bathroom....ugh!!! There were legs hanging out form the toilet and the lid was down so naturally I thought there was a girl stuck in there!! I hated going to the bathroom after that!! Now when ever I flush a bug or spider I think its going to come back up and get me!!! Thanks Aunt Sherry!!!
ha i totally remember jon and brianna as drew and mimi and mark as the striker. :) that was also the year that lee and greg harrison were both elvis.
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