When I came home from visiting family I realized that I had a little over a week before I was to be back in school. I didn't want to waste that time, but I didn't have any specific plans other than doing some lesson planning and grading. Kyle has been working 12 hour shifts and Sunday night I just wasn't tried when he got into bed so that he could be at work by 6. I stayed up and journaled. I'd had some fears about the tension in the Middle East. I became transparent about my fears and God reminded me of the time I have. I prayed that He'd show me what to do with my time.
On Sunday, Matt preached from Philippians 4:2-3 where two gals are having a fight and causing drama in church. Matt asked that if people we knew were asked if there was a broken relationship between us, what would they say? Are we willing to forgive and work toward restoring relationships? I like how Matt doesn't sugar coat and how his questions are often penetrating. Notice that he didn't say if he asked us, what would we say. No, he said if people we knew were asked. I initially sighed with relief because Kyle and I are currently communicating well.
The next morning while journaling I thought about the question some more. Was there someone that could feel brokenness. I thought about a bit of drama that had happened over Christmas. I wondered if a sister of mine thought I was holding onto what had happened. I prayed about it and decided to call and clarify that I wasn't holding on to the drama and I loved her despite the drama. She was grateful for the call. As we chatted she mentioned something about housing and paying bills on time. It jogged my memory that there was a energy bill that Kyle had filled out but had forgotten to take up to the office. After getting off the phone, I found the bill and turned it in. It happened to be the last day the bill was counted on time. It would have been a $50 late fee, more than the bill itself, had it been turned in the following day.
As I walked back to the apartment I was stunned by God's movement. Had I not been sensitive to His leading, I wouldn't have journaled. If I hadn't journaled, I wouldn't have felt lead to call my sister. Had I not prayed for wisdom in the conversation, I wouldn't have called and ended up hearing about paying bills. Had I not paid the bill, we would be out $50. Had I not prayed to use this week wisely, I would have taken credit for God moving earlier this week.