Eliana was pretty fussy yesterday. I love when Kyle comes home, because then I get some help! I was busy trying to arrange my clothes in the closet since the recent move. I realized it was pretty quiet. This is how I found them. They were spending quality time together!!!
Eliana was up quite a bit last night. She woke up at 4 and ate. I put her back down around 5 even though she was still awake. She was quiet and content, and I needed some more sleep. I didn't get much sleep for awhile because she had the hiccups for at least half an hour! Even though she is sleeping in her room, her little noises still keep me up!
Kyle and Eliana spent some awake up around 6 this morning. I'm not sure if she got any shut eye between those hiccups and getting fussy again. They played for about half an hour, including taking these photos! Her feet fit pretty well in these clothes. We'll soon be out of newborn clothes and into 0-3 months!!!
Today was a very important day! Today Eliana and I went to my school! The kids loved her!!! It was so good to see former students! I was very encouraged to see my amazing staff! I'm glad to hear that they are off to a great year! You can tell I super blessed to see them by all of the exclamation points in this paragraph!!!
My goodness:
1- Where DOES the time go? 2 months have passed already?!
2- When DO you have the time/patience to not only take the photos but to upload them & put comments? You sleep-deprived woman, you!!!
3- Her W-I-D-E open eyes say so much! I think she's going to be very observant about the world around her...just like her mom!
Off to return the rental car & get back the good 'ol Vue. Thunderstorms are fast approaching, so I'd best head out now.
Yeah! You got out and about. - GramE
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