Kyle is busy working 12 hour shifts, so that leaves me with well... a lot of free time. Last year I spent tons of time in my classroom redecorating and going through boxes. Since my life seems to be about reorganizing and boxes, I'm not so on board with working on my classroom alone. So, yesterday I recruited Sherry to help me. We got the two hardest boards done. If you had been to my room at Almondale you might remember my calendar wall (it was orange and by my desk) and the "Our Handy Work" board (it was turquoise with light blue squares for student work and it was on the back wall). I found mom to be the perfect help for those projects because she is just as ... to be put nicely... "organized" as I am. The boards are perfect and the spacing looks great, after all we are talking about a Color Princess meeting a Princess Hates Staples Left in the Wall:) I think they look even better than they did in my room at Almondale.
My superintendent, Dale, came by and asked if I wanted any computers. SURE!!! He is going to send four to my room this week! The computer lab is being turned into a classroom. The people at Washington Colony are all so nice!!! Dale didn't have to offer me the computers, but he did.
You all should come to Easton, home of my new room 11, just to buy the fruits and veggies. Sherry and I stopped by a stand yesterday and made wonderful stir fry and had the best plumbs I ever remember eating!
Today, to try to be useful,l I went on a walk. Well, my timing wasn't the greatest. It was 11, but I did have a purpose. I'm working on an upcoming blog dealing with Clovis, so stay tuned:) Plus I figured Candace could use my help at the church. Low and behold by the time I got there, it's a little over a mile, I was hungry and so was she. We ate at Jimmy Johns. If you don't come for the fruit and veggies, you should come because this place smells like heaven. They make their own French bread daily, and the sandwiches rock! I was also able to help fold bulletins and help make the craft for Sunday school.
I miss you, sweetie. I look forward to the post you are getting prep'd for.
Thanks for commenting. Sometimes I wonder if anyone even reads these. :)
Hey there! Kari Baher is reading these! Straight from Geneva, IL no less. Currently (7/15/07), Ethan & Kieran are on their first fishing expedition. We just got back from a HUGE walk with my parents & Stephanie and Stephanie is now asleep on the bed. We miss you guys so much! I'm trying to visit the blogs more regularly. In fact, I may have to set one of our own up one day. Keep the updates coming while you can because...once school starts, I bet the time available will be quite a bit less.:)
Kari, Kieran, and Ethan, you guys are dearly missed. I was thinking about you guys today as Kyle and I listened to David Crowder. Every time I listen to the Illuminate CD I can't help but get a little misty eyed and think of you guys. I'm so excited to hear that Ethan is teaching Kieran how to fish!!! Kyle will have to teach me once Joe and Candace show us a spot.
Ok, so, we're supposed to be going to lunch & errands. Instead, we found the Bridge's website and are listening to a sermon. Our other computer could NEVER handle this. Not only can I hear the sermon, but I can do other on-line stuff, too. How cool is that?!?! We miss everyone mucho. Feeling a little homesick today, but we know, thankfully, God is still on His throne. Have a beautiful Monday. Speaking of beauty, you both HAVE to come here or at least explore some Madison-related websites on line. There is so much beauty here!!!
Well, speaking of exploring, let's just say we are praying about budgeting a visit to explore your neck of the woods at some time:) If you ever visit California again, I'll have to take your running with me. You'll be amazed at the cool things I have found early in the morning.
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