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Monday, January 17, 2011

Pictures from El Salvador

El Salvador has 25 volcanos.


We're not in Kansas anymore.

What are seatbelts?

Jesus Cristo, El Salvador del Mundo

Street vendor


Salvadorian deer stand
What's a deer stand? Its a seat or platform you can mount in a tree to await for unsupecting game to get within range of your rifle.

Coconut milk anyone?

San Salvador

Church across from Central Park

Street evangelism

Amigos - gringos with translators


Tasha said...

I don't understand the deer stand. Please explain.

Anonymous said...

Are you moving soon?
Love you, MOM

Anonymous said...

In connecticut they use bows and arrows from their dear stands. There a whole season for just bow hunting. It's very popular here.

Aunt Marcie

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing.
